Our Ballroom Dancing Adventures

Mr. Bean and I started taking ballroom dancing lessons two years ago in preparation for our wedding. We’ve continued on taking lessons, started level 2 and tonight was the first time that we actually attended a club sponsored dance.Rest assured that we’re no where near as good as the people who are on “So You Think You Can Dance.”


We arrived late due to construction (it’s really a brilliant idea to go from three lanes to one on a main thoroughfare!) but we didn’t miss much. Every dance starts off with a lesson and today we learned Merengue. It’s a very easy latin dance where you basically step back and forth and turn a lot. Like so:

As a woman, it’s lots of fun as you just kind of turn your brain off and let yourself be lead through all the various moves while keeping the basic rhythm. It’s great because you don’t have to follow any specific footwork, just back and forth!

I’m glad that we’re taking ballroom dancing lessons again as they’re fun and it’s good that we can doing something together as a couple. We may not be pro stars, but we have fun.

Have you ever tried ballroom dancing? If not, what sports or activities do you do with your significant other?


Filed under Life

13 responses to “Our Ballroom Dancing Adventures

  1. I learned to Merengue in college and it IS alot of fun. My husband isn’t so much of a dance or really into any type of sport so we do alot of walking and some hiking. I think dance lessons would be alot of fun but I don’t think I’ll ever convince him that he would look like a total dork. So I guess it’s ladies night out dancing for me.

  2. I have been wanting to learn to ballroom dance for about a million years or so. I wonder if I could drag my husband to some lessons!

    Hope you are having a good weekend!

    – Margaret
    (visiting from SITS)

  3. Amanda

    How fun! I’ve never been ballroom dancing (my sister got all the dance genes). No hobbies with my non-existent significant other, but I DO have a thriving “sittinginthecoffeeshopscribblinginajournal” hobby I’ve been cultivating for the past couple years 🙂

    • I’ve never been comfortable sitting and/or writing in a coffee shop by myself – is that weird? Perhaps at some point you’ll find someone to join you in your coffee shop sitting. 🙂

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    I so wish hubby and I would have taken some kind of dance lessons and I would love to take ballroom dancing now, but I seriously doubt that I could convince him to do it. Glad you are enjoying it with your hubby.

    Hope you have had a great Sunday.

  5. Kay

    I know exactly what you mean about turning your brain off; my boyfriend and I swing dance and I love being a follow. You just let yourself be thrown around and get a great workout and look pretty at the same time!

  6. No ball room dancing at The Glen but we do not snub a little light dancing at a party or wedding reception.
    What fun for you!

  7. I’d like to do ballroom dancing at some point, actually! Our favorite activity is couch surfing 🙂 What can I say, when get free time we just want to relax!!

  8. That is so fun. My husband and I took a swing dance class once and had a ball.

  9. I would love to take dance lessons – I especially want to learn to shag!

  10. Looks like so much fun! I don’t think I could ever get my husband to do this!

  11. Pingback: Latest ballroom dancing lessons news – Valentine’s Day for Single Girls | ABC article directory

  12. Pingback: Latest dancing lessons news – Belly Dance classes, workshops, events and news. Videos, lessons …

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