Tag Archives: dancing

African Praise Celebration

Today at my parent’s church was a big celebration because a Bishop from Nigeria was visiting. It definitely wasn’t your average church service – there was lots of singing, praying and of course, dancing.

My brother busted out some moves with the pastor:

The women of the church did their own dance:


I love what they’re wearing – their hats? Amazing. I seriously want a similar outfit.


Even Mama Bean danced along:


The men drummed for a while and then they all got up to dance:


Even Mr. Bean went and joined them!


Doesn’t brother Bean look spiffy?


With all the dancing and singing, I can understand how church in Nigeria can easily be 5 hours long!

What’s the most interesting church service you’ve been to?


Filed under Life

Our Ballroom Dancing Adventures

Mr. Bean and I started taking ballroom dancing lessons two years ago in preparation for our wedding. We’ve continued on taking lessons, started level 2 and tonight was the first time that we actually attended a club sponsored dance.Rest assured that we’re no where near as good as the people who are on “So You Think You Can Dance.”


We arrived late due to construction (it’s really a brilliant idea to go from three lanes to one on a main thoroughfare!) but we didn’t miss much. Every dance starts off with a lesson and today we learned Merengue. It’s a very easy latin dance where you basically step back and forth and turn a lot. Like so:

As a woman, it’s lots of fun as you just kind of turn your brain off and let yourself be lead through all the various moves while keeping the basic rhythm. It’s great because you don’t have to follow any specific footwork, just back and forth!

I’m glad that we’re taking ballroom dancing lessons again as they’re fun and it’s good that we can doing something together as a couple. We may not be pro stars, but we have fun.

Have you ever tried ballroom dancing? If not, what sports or activities do you do with your significant other?


Filed under Life

To Love You More

Sorry that I haven’t been around lately – our modem died = no interwebs.

Some of you may have heard Celine Dion’s song “To Love You More” before. If you haven’t, watch this:

Now imagine that is song was played at the wedding I went to a few Saturdays ago. Imagine that you’re having a sugar high, feeling silly and your husband is sitting at a table a bit away from the dance floor.  What the logical conclusion for you to do? Well, of course you start serenading your husband. Like this:

One of my friends handed me a mic sometime throughout the song. My sister and another friend decided to be my back up dancers.



Please excuse the poor quality – the photos were not taken with my camera.

Poor Mr. Bean was dying.

Honestly, I wished  that the DJ played another song like that so I could have had a reprise.

At least we all danced to “Stop” from the Spice Girls before the groom left:


Just like what happened at a wedding 4 years ago:

ScannedImage(The Groom is the guy on the left, followed by Mr. Bean and another friend.)

Have you every taken part in any kind of ridiculous dancing?


Filed under Life

With Gratitude

As I’m supposed to be writing thank you cards at this moment, I thought this was appropriate.

Someone on my facebook posted this video:

I think there’s always something about dancing that lifts ones spirits. But this begs the question – what am I grateful for?

Here are ten (of many more!) things in my life that I am grateful for:

  1. I have a wonderful husband who loves me despite my flaws.
  2. I have a loving family who is hilarious.
  3. Lucky, who brings a smile to everyone’s face. (and is a champion, but more on that later.)
  4. That I am not persecuted because of my faith or political beliefs.
  5. That I am able to go to school.
  6. That I have a job, even though I don’t always like it.
  7. That we have a roof over our head that we don’t have to worry about being taken away.
  8. For all of my friends.
  9. That I can ride my bike to work every morning.
  10. That we have plenty of food and don’t have to go without.

What are you grateful for?

(Did anyone else think of this video when they saw the guys dancing)


Filed under Thoughts