Tag Archives: thank you

A Big Reason to be Festive!

In case you can’t tell by my photos, I had some fun with this week’s Christmas Light Bokeh Prompt for this week’s Good to Wow: Shoot and Edit. Christmas lights are so pretty! And happy! And Fun! But that in itself is not the big reason I have to be festive.

I’m assuming that you want to know because you’re still reading. Here it is:

I’m no longer unemployed Bean; instead I’m going to be E.I.T. Bean! (That stands for engineer in training.) That’s right! I have a job!

It’s awesome because a) it was totally a God thing as I didn’t actually apply for the job, they just wanted to interview me and b) it’s a job I actually want! I’ve talked about my previous potential job angst before and about how I was hesitant to really go out and get myself an engineering job. This opportunity literally fell into my lap (praise the Lord!) and who am I to say no when that’s where God wants me to be?

How has God shown you his providence lately?

All these shots are Straight Out of the Camera (SOOC).


Filed under Life, Photography

With Gratitude

I am filled with so much gratitude towards my husband, Mr. Bean. I’m grateful that he married me, loves me and puts up with me and all my idiosyncrasies. This month, in honour of Thanksgiving, the ladies over at Newlywed Bliss are hosting a husband gratefulness challenge. I thought I’d also throw in some photos I took at Mr. Bean’s brother’s wedding in May that I don’t think I’ve shared for this week’s Gratefulness themed Good to Wow: Shoot and Edit. 🙂

Mr Bean, I am so grateful that:

    1. You waited an extra 25 minutes after my photography course tonight for me to finish up despite being super tired and needing to go home.
    2. You listen to me vent about whatever is bothering me and resist giving me advice until I ask for it. I know that’s really hard for you!
    3. You eat whatever crazy creations I have made and are willing to try everything, including some pretty weird vegetarian meals, once.
    4. You remind me to lighten up when I’m being too serious and bogged down by stuff.
    5. You work extremely hard at everything you do and you do a great job of taking care of me.
    6. You fill up the car with gas after I’ve emptied most of it because of tutoring.
    7. You find amusement in the little things, especially when I don’t.
    8. You dress up for me even though you’d really rather not.
    9. You are so patient with me in everything even though you’re probably wanting to pull your hair out from frustration.
    10. You encourage me to do the things I am afraid of and to believe in myself more.

And because you’re awesome, here are two reasons more:

11. You tell me I’m beautiful when I feel ugly.
12. You put up with my photography craziness and let me take photos with you (especially all the self portraits here!)

What are you grateful for in your spouse/partner?

Please feel free to join in and post 10 things that you are grateful for in your spouse/partner!



Filed under Life, Photography

With Much Thanksgiving

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (I know, way to early for any Americans, but our growing season is much shorter up here!) Especially around this time of year, I am reminded why I have a ton of reasons to be thankful! The first one I’ll start with has to do with these photos: one day last week, Mr. Bean brought me flowers “just because.” This wasn’t really your average bouquet of flowers as it had two elements that bouquets don’t normally have:

That’s right – Kale and peppers. I bet you’ve never had a bouquet like that before!

Besides that, I know that I am a very blessed person! I am so grateful for all the people in my life – Mr. Bean, my family, friends, people at my bible study and church, kids that I teach Sunday school to and tutor, my counsellor, and so many more! And finally, I am thankful for all of you lovely people who read my blog – for your support, encouragement and being able to visit your blogs and get to know you more!

I’m also so thankful for God’s provision – for the roof over our heads, the abundance of water, food and support we have and that we’re able to live in such a great country as Canada, where we can freely worship God, be able to speak our hearts and minds without fear of disappearing in the night, can be friends with whomever we please and that views every human life as having value.

I’m also grateful that this Thanksgiving Mr. Bean and I are able to spend time with both of our families as well as being able to make and share food and good times which each of them!

I hope that you have a blessed Thanksgiving! (Or at least a blessed Monday if you aren’t celebrating thanksgiving for a while.)

What are you grateful for?

The Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) shots are my submission for this week’s Leaves themed “Good to Wow: Shoot and Edit.” Sorry, no fall leaves over here – if you want to see some, please look at the engagement shots I took of my brother and his fiance or of my hike in Buller Pass a few weeks ago. 🙂


Filed under Life, Photography

Stampede Fireworks Edit

Well, it’s technically not an edit as I just put the photos in the CoffeeShop Shadow House Storyboard as per the tutorial on Ashley’s blog about adding frames.

It kind of helps give it a bit of a western-y theme, don’t you think?

I also want to thank all of you who left comments and encouragement on my previous post with the SOOCs of these photos! It means a lot of me that you took the time to write out your encouragement and advice! 🙂


Filed under Photography

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year Everyone!  All the best to you and yours for 2010!

Thank you to everyone for sticking around and reading my blog – it’s been fun! Here’s hoping the 2010 is as good or better than 2009! I’m looking forward to the Olympics and finally being done my chemical engineering degree. What are you looking forward to?


Filed under Life