Daily Archives: September 15, 2009

My First Attempt at Ice Cream and Vanilla Beans


I would like to announce that today was my first time using a vanilla bean. Honestly, I didn’t know that our grocery store had them ( and I’ve spent a ridiculous amount time in the baking aisle – trust me) until I asked Mr. Bean to look for them. (Aren’t I such a nice wife?) Cutting open and scraping out the vanilla-y goodness is quite a novelty for me.

So what did I do with it? Made ice “cream”, of course! I know, I know, it’s a bit late to be adding to the summer ice cream recipe bonanza (hey, there’s still one week left!), but we only obtained a method for the desired madness a few days ago – a Magic Bullet. No longer do I have to stare at recipes wishing that I could do something similar, so I celebrated and made a version of banana coconut ice “cream” ala Coconut Girl.


I only used one banana and too much coconut milk, so it turned out a bit liquidy, but the taste tester didn’t complain.


I feel like I’ve found a brave new world of food – fortunately we have a few last days of summer to enjoy it in!

But who are we kidding, I’ll probably make ice cream or sorbet when it’s -40C with windchill.

What is your favourite homemade ice cream recipe?


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