Tag Archives: Selfie Saturdays

Night Time Fire Fun

On the Sunday of the Labour Day weekend, Mr. Bean and I took a whirlwind 24 hour backpacking trip. We had a fire (obviously) and after playing with our poking stick, I decided to break out my camera and have a bit of fun.

These photos are testament that you don’t always need a tripod to take night photos/self portraits. I just propped my camera on the bench of the picnic table and used the strap to adjust the height of the lens. I recommend using a fairly long delay on your self timer (if you’re like me and don’t have a remote) as it’s dark and you stumble around a bit more! The settings I used were: ISO 200, f/10, 15 sec exposure.

Apparently waving around a stick that isn’t lit well will blow out as you wave it around in the shape of a heart. Who would have thought?

These photos are my submission for this week’s Night themed Shoot and Edit. You can see other Straight Out Of the Camera shots over at Jill’s blog! I also linked in to Selfie Saturdays!


Filed under Photography

After Wedding Selfie

Last Sunday I went to a wedding “riding solo” for the first time. (Mr. Bean was in Vancouver for a conference.) I thought that I looked very pretty, so I took a selfie. I couldn’t find the little quick release thing that connects the camera to the tripod, so this one was done with the one arm technique. Not bad, hey?

Have you ever gone to a wedding by yourself?

See other selfies over at Selfie Magic.


Filed under Photography

This is My Backyard…

My Dad and I hiking on a ridge by Sunshine Meadows in the Rockies - our greater backyard!

What’s yours?

My selfie for this week’s “In your backyard” Selfie Saturday.


Filed under Life, Photography

Celebration Selfie

For almost every celebration, my family gathers around the dining room table for dinner, conversation and ridiculousness. Given that last week was a very large event for most people in the states, so for this week’s celebration themed Selfie Saturday I thought I would use my family’s usual celebration spot – complete with poinsettia table cloth. Yes, we’re that organized and 5 months early for Christmas!

Click for Larger Photo

How does your family celebrate special occasions?


Filed under Photography

Selfie Saturday: Then, Now and Anon

Today you get a double dose of Selfie Saturday fun as I have decided to put the last two Selfie Saturday prompts together.First off, last week’s prompt was to recreate a photo taken a while ago. I chose to redo a photo of me at Christmas with my parent’s dog. Now it’s no longer Lucky, but Lottie but with no Christmas tree. I didn’t quite get the correct angle of sitting or with either of our heads, but Lottie is incredibly squirmy which allowed me one shot. Do go and check out the rest of the “Thens and Nows” over at Selfie Magic!

The second prompt was to take an anonymous photo of yourself, where neither your face nor eyes are showing. I wanted to do something that would make it obvious that it was me, so I donned my moose apron and grabbed a mixing bowl for where else am I more at home in than my own kitchen?

Where are you the most home at?


Filed under Photography