Category Archives: Home

My Cake Cupboard

Until recently, my cake stuff was strewn all around our kitchen – in the drawer by the microwave, above the fridge, and in the stove’s drawer as well as our “front hall” closet. Mr. Bean was getting a bit annoyed with all my stuff everywhere, so it was time to do something. So, last night we headed over to Canadian Tire and bought some drawers for my cake making supplies.


Yes, I am the proud owner of not one, but two cake carriers. I got the round one after the rectangular one squished all the roses on my Wilton 1 Cake.

I even tried to be organized in my drawers instead of just shoving things in.

cake closet

How do you organize things for your hobbies?

P.S. In case you haven’t noticed, I have added a “Cake” page to my blog – it lists all the cakes I’ve made for easy reference!


Filed under Home

Our office…

Was a mess. If you don’t mind me, I’m going to go hide from embarrassment:



But after a few hours of work, it’s still a bit messy, but much more livable! Maybe I can show my face again…




Complete with one box for Goodwill! Now to find a way to reduce the number of sentimental items…

Wonder why I did this? It’s always good to do a bit of spring cleaning.


Filed under Home

It’s raining outside

Or at least from our eaves trough.


And it results in:


And this skating rink of a front porch:


Complete with the inaugural shower as you try to enter the house. We do has some pretty neat icicles, but not quite as neat as this one:


What are the quirks with your house?


Filed under Home, Life

Making our Room Prettier – Part 2

Continuing on from before

After painting the room, we finally received our new bed frame. On Boxing Day, we went and got a lovely painting that I would really like to live in.


Yes, that is my penguin that I’ve had since I was a baby. And I do have a salt lamp – my host father from my German exchange gave it to me.


Mr. Bean has a “Stupid Quote of the Day” calendar, which he keeps on his bedside table.


Here is my dresser and the entrance to our walk in closet. My mum painted the pink jewelery box for me. The weird machine type thing is a “magnetic air filter and ionizer” that is supposed to release negative ions that helps one to relax. I personally find the hum it makes more relaxing than anything else.


Here is the end of our bed. I want to know what we should stick on the wall opposite the painting as it is currently blank. Any suggestions?


What unique things do you have in your bedroom?Ā  When you have redone a room, what did you do?

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Filed under Home

Colour Scheme for our Living Room

So one of the things that I’ve (sillyly) been angsty about is the colour scheme in our living room. Now that most of the time we spend at home it’s dark out, I think we need to lighten it up. living-roomAbove is a rough diagram of the current set up in our living room. (In the corner, you can see the memory bench that I talked about previously.)

Now, onto colours:

Paint: two shades of tan

Floor: Oak hardwood (aka. light warm brown)

Furniture: Wood is either a nice cherry red or a medium dark brown.Ā  food-photos-0571The futon’s cover is currently maroon (the colour they had in the store at the time) and the lamp shades are white.


Now, I we are willing to get a new futon cover (in fact, I’d like to because it’s really quite dark) but I’d prefer not to repaint the walls unless necessary.

So, my question for all of you is what colour of futon cover and/or chair should we get? These are the futon covers colours that I know are available for sure. What colour schemes do you think would work well in this room? I’m looking for something that is calming and classy.

What do you think? Any help is appreciated!


Filed under Home