Goals and Such

At the beginning of last year, I wrote out a list of goals that I wanted to achieve. Let’s see how I did:

  1. Finish School. I totally did this and did really well to boot!
  2. Decide what I want to do in life. I still have no clue. I have applied for some jobs (and went through some job interviews) with no luck. I did realize that I really enjoy photography, so I started taking some photography courses at the local technical college.
  3. Honesty. I tried really hard, but I’m still really too self-conscious to be 100% honest. Frankly, there are also some things that are way more appropriate for my journal than the internet.
  4. Clear up my face. I’ve tried lots of different things. My face is starting to clear up a bit more – I’ve been trying to take a Cod live oil pill everyday and have been washing & moisturizing my face with some Neutrogena acne stuff. I’m kind of sad that the more natural stuff wasn’t working, but I guess I want to do what I can to clear it up.
  5. Lose Weight. I have managed to lose weight – mostly through not over eating and going to the gym frequently. I also lost a few pounds over Christmas because of the stomach flu. My mum and I have started to see a trainer once a week at our gym, so I’m looking forward to the results from that!
  6. Exercise for at least 1/2 hour everyday. I probably do this about 95% of the time. On days where I don’t manage to get any exercise, I try to eat less.
  7. Do a longer than one minute devotional everyday. I started using Scripture Union’s “Daily Bread” devotional as I eat breakfast every morning. It generally takes about 5 – 15 minutes depending on the scripture passage and what follow-up or prayers they recommend doing.

Now the big question is: what goals do I want to set for myself for 2011? I find I work best if the goal is quantifiable and I get some sort of reward at the end.

  • Continue to exercise for at least 1/2 hour everyday. I know that when I don’t get exercise, I am grumpy, more stressed out and anxious.
  • Keep the weight I lost off. I think that’s pretty self-explanatory.
  • Get up off the couch and enjoy outside. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few years essentially sitting around inside and I think it’s about time that Mr. Bean and I get out and enjoy the opportunities available to us. (The Rocky Mountains are about an hour drive away!) Goal: Try to spend at least one Saturday/Sunday a month out of the house doing something outside.
  • Not let fear rule my life. I always feel that so much has been holding me back as I have a lot of fear issues, I can be extremely self-conscious and I don’t always believe that I have anything worthwhile to offer. I am going to counselling, so hopefully this year I can continue to make progress and be able to get on with life!
  • Spend more time in prayer. I’m going to start with 5 minutes a day and see how things go after that.
  • Get a job or at least figure out what I want to do. Hopefully the more time in prayer and working through issues in counselling will help with this.

I feel that I might actually be able to accomplish these over the next year – they are all steps in my journey to becoming a happier, healthier and spiritually alive person.

Did you manage to accomplish any or all of your goals for 2010? What are your goals for 2011?

If you have written out your goals, I would love to read them. So please leave a link to them!


Filed under Life

13 responses to “Goals and Such

  1. Pingback: 101 in 1001 Update | Without Adornment

  2. We have such similar goals! I also want to try and keep my stress levels a bit lower. I am such a worry wart and can get so overworked but the smallest and slightest things so keeping things in perspective is going to be good for me! You can do it girl, keep up all of the great work 🙂 Happy 2011!

  3. You did really well on your last year’s resolutions! Especially with the exercising! I haven’t made resolutions for a long time, but I really want to this year. I want to choose them carefully, since so much can change in a year!
    Back when I was in high school, I became mysteriously sick, and I did a lot of soul searching. One thing I resolved at that time was to stop letting fear rule my life from then on. I chose as my motto: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do,” by Eleanor Roosevelt. I haven’t always followed through, and I have a long way to go, but I know the times I have chosen to not listen to my fear and take a risk have forever changed me for the better.

  4. I think you did really well with last years resolutions! If you do that well this year, you are going to be on the amazing list!! This year, I did not make resolutions, I read on a blog about doing one word and applying it to your life, so my one word this year is Release. I only have to remember that one word and apply it in what I do each day. There are quite a few people who do it and love it. So far, so good. It is helping me stay calm, and handle crisis so far. All my water pipes at work broke and flooded my office. It is still a mess. But I chant my one word like a mantra each day, and it really seems to help me deal. So, maybe it will be the best thing I have done yet. Great post! Working on our goals is the only thing that will ever help us achieve them. It takes our willingness to try.

  5. Rae

    You did a great job with your goals last year, and I like your list for 2011. I have similar goals but I have no idea what to do about the outdoors part since for the first time we live in a place where the outdoors is… not so much of the focus.

    • Hrm. I would find that difficult as well. Are there any good urban walks you can take? One of my favourite things about our Europe trip was wandering around in all the cities we went to, especially since the architecture was so beautiful!

  6. wow.. half an hour exercise everyday! i am already struggling with 5 minutes daily! lol… but i plan to exercise more since I gained a lot of weight after getting married =s

    I used a devotional before called Cover to Cover. It walks you through the entire Bible for a whole year. You are forced to have a longer Quiet time because you really have to read the Scriptures and meditate. You might want to try that devotional material too =D

    • That sounds really interesting. I know we have committed to a whole year of using this particular devotional series, but maybe for next year!

  7. Pingback: 101 in 1001 Update | Without Adornment

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